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Why NGIS have an annual volunteering day

Why NGIS have an annual volunteering day

Each year NGIS take our entire company out of the office to give back to the community in a volunteering day. In previous years we have donated staff time to Parkerville Children and Youth Care, which was a valuable exercise for a worthy cause. This year, on November 11, we are working with the Paruna Wildlife…

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NGIS win four Spatial Excellence awards

NGIS win four Spatial Excellence awards

On Friday night NGIS were awarded in four categories at the 2016 Western Australian Spatial Excellence Awards, which celebrates the use of spatial information in the industry. The awards came for projects that NGIS has worked on over the last year. NGIS Managing Director Paul Farrell said the awards were a reflection of the dedication the…

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How are ads and maps becoming more integrated? And how can you take advantage?

How are ads and maps becoming more integrated? And how can you take advantage?

Google have new integrations of AdWords and Analytics into Google Maps. These changes will affect how businesses use Maps to reach consumers and in turn, how and where consumers choose to shop, eat and more. The new Google Maps ads are designed to help businesses be more visible at moments when consumers are searching online…

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Style your Google Maps to fit your brand and purpose

Style your Google Maps to fit your brand and purpose

In this video we highlight the new styling tools and features that Google Maps has to offer. Google Maps styling wizard enables simple and visual methods of creating and styling, to allow business’ to design their maps to be consistent with their brand. Customising and styling every aspect of your Google Maps is possible using…

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Location technology gives public transport commuters a personalised experience

Location technology gives public transport commuters a personalised experience

Location technology is revolutionising the public transport industry by giving commuters real-time, personalised journey information, direct to their smartphones. It’s a customer service innovation that gives forward thinking transport companies and local governments the opportunity to increase patronage, improve goodwill and reduce customer dissatisfaction. Commuters have long been at the mercy of public transport failures….

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Building a Google Maps business app? 5 things to ask your developer

Building a Google Maps business app? 5 things to ask your developer

Huge business gains can be made by building Google Maps for Work API into your process or product, but to avoid issues down the road, including billing and compliance violations, there are a few questions you should ask your developers during the design and build phases. Maps can help you with team management, customer service,…

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In Pictures: Strong rainfall supports record crop yield in 2016

In Pictures: Strong rainfall supports record crop yield in 2016

Strong rainfall this winter has led industry groups to predict a 16 percent increase in crop yields across Western Australia. The difference is visible on satellite imagery that measures the Normalised Digitised Vegetation Index, or NDVI, which is an indicator of biomass. According to the rural news service The Weekly Times, the Grain Industry Associ­ation…

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Maps: essential technology for good customer service

Maps: essential technology for good customer service

In a world where Uber, Domino’s Live Pizza Tracker and Pokemon Go are household names, consumers see maps and location-intelligence as the new norm. Mapping technology has raised the bar for consumer experience. Your customers expect to find directions, track deliveries and pinpoint locations using their smart phones and it’s up to you to accommodate…

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Kids take over NGIS office

Kids take over NGIS office

NGIS parents brought their kids to work on July 13 so they could learn about where they work and pick up some knowledge about mapping. Bring Your Kids to Work Day is an internationally recognised initiative where children have an opportunity to spend time in their parent’s workplace to learn about the environment and gain some understanding of…

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Whether you like it or not, you compete with Uber

Whether you like it or not, you compete with Uber

You might think you don’t compete against Uber. The reality is you do. We live in a world where we all need to continuously become more efficient. Doing the same or more with less resources is the reality we all live with and the challenge is to make your service as valuable and attractive as…

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