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Simple no-code mapping tools for teams

Simple no-code mapping tools for teams

We live in a world where location and maps have become a core component to an organisations value offering. Uber’s entire operation is based on the strength of its mapping capability for their customers who need to get a ride, Domino’s use maps to show their customers exactly where their pizza is on the delivery…

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What to expect after Google Cloud Next 19′

What to expect after Google Cloud Next 19′

NGIS’ Richard Greene attended Google Cloud Next 19’ last week in San Francisco. The conference convenes Google’s international network of partners, developers and anyone passionate about an accessible, scalable, socially responsible cloud to discuss expected product developments, news and releases. Richard reflects on his week at the conference:  Day one  I arrived in San Francisco…

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How Google is integrating augmented reality into Maps

How Google is integrating augmented reality into Maps

Google Maps is integrated into our everyday lives and helps us navigate from point A to point B. Constantly looking for ways to improve, Google acknowledged that the familiar blue dot and line overlaid in Google Maps has left some users lost or confused about the corner they were meant to turn or has simply…

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NGIS supports SSSI breakfast for women in STEM

NGIS supports SSSI breakfast for women in STEM

NGIS was proud to sponsor the SSSI Expedition to Antarctica breakfast that featured Geospatial Scientist, Mary-Ellen Feeney.  During the breakfast, Mary Ellen shared her recent experience with Homeward Bound, a leadership, strategic and science initiative encouraging 80 selected female leaders from around the world.  The initiative aimed to promote women’s leadership, encourage the participation of…

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Using location intelligence to reach your target audience

Using location intelligence to reach your target audience

Organisations have become increasingly location driven in the way they market to consumers, clients and the community.  These days, it isn’t uncommon for location services to be enabled on mobile phones so that we can use apps to get us from point A to point B.  Similarly, we use this setting to locate our phones…

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Companies receive free training at Cloud OnBoard

Companies receive free training at Cloud OnBoard

Australian companies were treated to free training this month as part of a campaign to show businesses the many benefits of using Google Cloud.  Cloud OnBoard visited Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Auckland over the first two weeks of March 2019 and focused on big data and machine learning. Throughout the day, attendee’s were trained…

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Tips to reduce your Google Maps bill

Tips to reduce your Google Maps bill

Organisations are now being charged for each API call they make on the Google Maps Platform which has resulted in a surge in company billing.  However, there are ways that developers can significantly reduce costs by limiting their Google Maps usage. Here are four questions to consider: HOW INTERACTIVE IS YOUR MAP?  Are you using…

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Google’s upgrade to Places Mobile SDK for Android and iOS

Google’s upgrade to Places Mobile SDK for Android and iOS

Places, the Google API providing users with the information they need to explore the world around them, is getting an upgrade for Android and iOS. The announced changes to Places SDK are in line with other mapping APIs available on the Google Maps Platform. The new SDK has additional features including unlimited requests per day,…

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SSSI Map-a-thon attendees map areas destroyed by Cyclone Gaja

SSSI Map-a-thon attendees map areas destroyed by Cyclone Gaja

The second SSSI WA Map-a-thon, sponsored by NGIS, saw SSSI members using their mapping knowledge and skills for good. The participants digitised features such as roads and infrastructure in countries experiencing humanitarian crises, that have not been mapped before. Mappers focused their efforts on the southern part of India which is recovering from the destruction…

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Getting started with Google Cloud Platform

Getting started with Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the challenger brand in the cloud space, trying to make room for itself in a market dominated by AWS and Azure. Ease of use, usage based billing and discounts and some really powerful machine learning tools is how GCP is differentiating itself amongst the competition who have been around for…

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