Automatic discounting on Google Maps Platform Premium Plan

Automatic discounting on Google Maps Platform Premium Plan

A new discounting system is being introduced to Google Maps this year that will make it easier to get started with projects and scale them up. Under the previous version of the Google Maps API Premium Plan, customers were required to provide what they thought were the right estimates for usage for the coming year…

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How the new Google licence model will enable you

How the new Google licence model will enable you

Google Maps have restructured how API requests can be purchased, making it simpler than ever before to create custom business solutions using Google Maps. The Google Maps Platform breaks the APIs down into three components: Maps, Routing and Places. These three mapping components make it simpler than ever for developers to control map credit usage….

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Carto: The latest trends in location intelligence

Carto: The latest trends in location intelligence

Location intelligence applications such as CARTO perform iterative, spatial analysis. CARTO optimises everyday strategic decision making and solves complex business problems on an interactive map. CARTO provides an easy to use, drag and drop interface to easily identify insights from large amounts of data. These insights can be rapidly deployed into applications and are easily customisable. NGIS partnered with CARTO to…

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Mapping your business data for deep insight

Mapping your business data for deep insight

Understanding the productivity of your sales regions, deciding where to focus on service improvement or working out which of your shops is covering too much ground on their own is easy when you see it as a picture.   Maps help you establish relationships in your data that you would only see when presented as…

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Planet partnership announcement

Planet partnership announcement

Daily satellite imagery of the whole globe is now available to NGIS customers through our new technology partner, Planet. NGIS Australia and Planet have established a new partnership, leveraging Planet’s extensive global daily imagery for NGIS’ developers and specialist teams. Planet can provide the capabilities and content for NGIS to build new solutions for a range of industries, as well as…

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Google Travel Time powers Sydney variable message signs

Google Travel Time powers Sydney variable message signs

Using Google travel time data, the New South Wales government have implemented a motorway messaging system that empowers motorists with the information they need to make decisions on the road. Whether to leave the motorway and take the back streets to avoid a traffic jam, or just know how long you will be on your…

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Carto: turn your business data into intelligence

Carto: turn your business data into intelligence

Mapping data in your business has historically been the domain of GIS experts and has relied on complex software that takes time to learn. Strong business cases were needed to justify building applications to display data. Enter Carto: one of the biggest disruptions to the business intelligence industry yet. Carto is a cloud based GIS system for…

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Introducing Google Maps Gold Support

Introducing Google Maps Gold Support

Google Maps Gold support is a higher level of support particularly useful for clients who need peace of mind. You have applications which rely on Google Maps and want to be able to contact Google support at any time, including the weekends. Let’s review the difference between Silver and Gold. If you are on a premium…

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Style your Google Maps to fit your brand and purpose

Style your Google Maps to fit your brand and purpose

In this video we highlight the new styling tools and features that Google Maps has to offer. Google Maps styling wizard enables simple and visual methods of creating and styling, to allow business’ to design their maps to be consistent with their brand. Customising and styling every aspect of your Google Maps is possible using…

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Building a Google Maps business app? 5 things to ask your developer

Building a Google Maps business app? 5 things to ask your developer

Huge business gains can be made by building Google Maps for Work API into your process or product, but to avoid issues down the road, including billing and compliance violations, there are a few questions you should ask your developers during the design and build phases. Maps can help you with team management, customer service,…

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