Location Matters

A podcast by NGIS. Valuable insights into the geospatial industry with expert discussions and opinions.

What it’s like to be a Google partner

What it’s like to be a Google partner

Working alongside one of the world’s most innovative and useful companies shows you a new way of working and opens the door to opportunity. It’s also a wild ride when an elephant decides to pivot quickly. Adam Mullett and Paul Farrell discuss what it’s like to be a partner of Google.

Using the cloud to ask questions of our planet

Using the cloud to ask questions of our planet

Our world is an incredibly dynamic place and we have come to understand aspects of it over time. Since our entry to space the technology we use to understand the planet has changed the questions we ask and the data we have at hand to answer them. Widely available and powerful cloud computing infrastructure has…

Is your location data secure?

Is your location data secure?

In the digital age, everything is online and increasingly we are seeing large data owners start to process and sell it so others can make decisions. It’s an exciting time, but what are the security implications and where do we have to be careful when building applications. NGIS executive director Richard Bentley and Principal Consultant…

A purposeful map

A purposeful map

Without a clear purpose, your map runs the risk of confusing people who you’d like to communicate with. Paul Farrell and Richard Bentley discuss why a map needs a purpose and how you know you’ve got one. They also give examples of their favourite purposeful maps.Stuff in Space – 3D map of space junkCoastal Risk…

Should we track workers?

Should we track workers?

In the age of tracking, should we be tracking workers using their phones? Recently Canon won a ruling from the Fair Work Commission that said after 18 months of dispute with the Australian Services Union, that it can track its workers during work hours. NGIS Executive Director Richard Bentley and Principal Consultant Chris Hoar discuss…

Aussie delivery-tech gets acquired

Aussie delivery-tech gets acquired

Delivery-tech start up Spatula.io were recently acquired by the Irish WeBringg Group. Founder of Spatula.io and CTO of WeBringg Group Andrew Walker joins NGIS on the podcast to talk about the world of delivery technology and the journey from start up to commercial success and ultimately acquisition.

Google Maps Platform with Nicola Dalmazzo

Google Maps Platform with Nicola Dalmazzo

Google Maps Platform is the new commercial model for Google Maps API. It will change the way many businesses use the APIs and will allow many companies that previously couldn’t make the business case stack up to start using it. However others will find their costs go up. Google’s Nicola Dalmazzo sits down with NGIS…

Collaboration in the spatial industry with Frontier SI

Collaboration in the spatial industry with Frontier SI

The recently renamed Frontier SI (formerly the Collaborative Research Centre for Spatial Information – CRC SI) works with public, private and research organisations to use spatial technology to create value for society. Join Nathan Eaton of NGIS and Nathan Quadros of Frontier SI to hear about how collaboration leads to outcomes in the world of…

Trends in Location Intelligence 2018

Trends in Location Intelligence 2018

Richard Bentley and Paul Farrell give their analysis on the ‘why’ behind Location Intelligence Trends for 2018, according to the CARTO whitepaper with the same name. Are Australian businesses up to speed with LI? Do we know how to use data to make decisions? Find out in this week’s episode.
