
Length: 1 day
Time: Office hours in your timezone
Location: Online – US, EU and SE Asian timezones
Or contact NGIS on the form at the bottom of the page to request a corporate course.

This one day training course will cover designing, building and publishing Google Earth Engine Apps. Google Earth Engine Apps are a great way to share code and outputs using a consolidated app interface. With Apps, experts can use simple UI elements to leverage Earth Engine’s data catalog and analytical power, for experts and non-experts alike to use. This training will provide attendees with all of the tools needed to create dynamic user interfaces for Earth Engine analyses.

Google Earth Engine Fundamentals or equivalent skills

Earth Engine Apps overview
App requirements
Designing apps
Widgets overview
Buttons and checkboxes
Layers and drawing tools
Split panel
Configuring access

Import a shapefile with zones of interest between hard-coded dates
Zoom to Bounds
Import imagery and create visual mosaic using median of three bands
Calculate NDVI over all imagery
Create a mosaic over region
Extract mean NDVI value for whole mosaic and report to console
Extract NDVI values for each zone and print to console
Extract NDVI over time and plot chart to console

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