
Length: 1 day Cost: $929.50 + GST
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM AEST
Location: Accessible virtually nationwide in Australia, In-person sessions at select locations

This one-day course is tailored to the regular ArcMap user looking to make the transition from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. The practical exercises will get you hands-on with your regular ArcMap workflows in the new improved ArcGIS Pro environment as well as detail the new functionality that ArcGIS Pro has to offer.

Course is designed for regular ArcMap users looking to migrate to ArcGIS Pro. If you are new to ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro we recommend the two-day ArcGIS Pro Foundations course.

ArcGIS Pro interface: Navigating the new ribbon GUI interface
Migrating ArcMap documents: Importing existing ArcMap documents into ArcGIS Pro
Layers and symbology: Explore the options for customising the way layers are displayed and utilised inside of a Map.
Query data: Look at the changes in the way that tables and attributes work in ArcGIS Pro
Editing data: Explore how to update attributes and use the basic editing tools of ArcGIS Pro.
Working with 3D data: Interact with 3D data using the scenes in ArcGIS Pro.
Creating web maps with ArcGIS online: Create a new map project and then sharing it as a 2D web map on ArcGIS Online.

ArcGIS Pro interface

  • ArcGIS Pro layout
  • Project tab
  • View tab
  • Map tab
  • More tab groups

Layers and Symbology

  • Importing existing ArcMap documents
  • Updating symbology
  • Labelling

Data Editing

  • Edit tab
  • Map notes

Working with 3D Data

  • Global Scenes
  • Linking 2D and 3D Views
  • Local Scenes

Geoprocessing and Tasks

  • Geoprocessing
  • Model Builder
  • Tasks
  • Sharing maps and data

Map Production

  • Map Frames
  • Map Surrounds
  • Grids and Graticules
  • Sharing maps

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